Latin Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii
Common Name(s): Douglas-Fir
Sources: Western North America


Can vary in color based upon age and location of tree. Usually a light brown color with a hint of red and/or yellow, with darker growth rings.  In quartersawn pieces, the grain is typically straight and plain. In flatsawn pieces, (typically seen in rotary-sliced veneers), the wood can exhibit wild grain patterns.

Grain/ Texture

Grain is generally straight, or slightly wavy. Medium to coarse texture, with moderate natural luster.


Typically machines well, but has a moderate blunting effect on cutters. Accepts stains, glues, and finishes well.


Veneer, plywood, and structural/construction lumber.


Should be widely available as construction lumber for a modest price. Old growth or reclaimed boards can be much more expensive.